SlideSense is ideal for repetitive slides

SlideSense enables 1 Billion PowerPoint users to personalize insights repeatedly


Personalizing insights for every individual

Do you modify the same slides for different audiences?

Vendors, customers, employees, teams — each of them need customized presentations focused on them.

Instead of updating them manually, automate them from data — with the same template you use today


Automating insights on dynamic data

Do you repeat the same presentation daily, weekly, or monthly?

Reports and meeting slides use the same template, updated manually every time with new data.

Instead of creating them one by one, automate them from data — based on a schedule or events.


Avoiding with end-user workflow

Do you copy-paste reports, charts or data into PowerPoint?

Management needs presentations that combine data and narratives. But the data is in Excel, BI tools, or other software.

Instead of copying screenshots, automate them directly in PowerPoint — and edit them before sharing.

Let's walk through SlideSense


lets everyone create and use
No new licenses for distribution

Users can’t share interactive analysis & reports with clients and vendors. They may not use the same BI tools. We can’t buy licenses for all of them

With SlideSense, you don’t buy licenses for external users. They’ll see your analysis & reports with just PowerPoint on their computers

Everyone can edit or annotate it

Creating a chart in a custom application or BI tool needs training – even for simple changes. You'll often want to correct the numbers, or explain with context. Not everyone can do this.

SlideSense doesn’t need specialists. You can use PowerPoint to both create and to edit visualizations — using your own templates and data

Do I need SlideSense?
If any of these is a “Yes”, try SlideSense. It automates insights directly in PowerPoint.
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Who'd use SlideSense?

How to get started

1-day proof of concept


Mail us. We’ll set up a demo with your data within a day.

Buy a license


It costs $200 / bot / month to run. Scale up as needed.

Deploy in your cloud


Data stays safe in your private cloud.

Integrate with your data


Pull data live from your database or files and export via e-mail or to shared drives.

Learn SlideSense with 1-hour tutorials

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